From Lorene Marcoux, widow of Charles A. Marcoux, we get a postscript to the ill-fated blowing Cavern Expedition of 1985:
Dear Richard:
Of course I remember you. After all these years? Those years almost seem like yesterday to me, in some ways. In other ways, it does seem like I have been living the single life forever. It's hard to recall life any different from what it now is - I'm very used to it!
So, also, the subworld, magazines about the unknown, the people we used to correspond with, etc. are not a part of my life anymore. It seems like another world to me. I miss it a lot in some ways, but am glad to be rid of the negativity part of it. The only person I have heard from is Mary Martin with a Christmas card, and "L" writes once in a while when his vision allows it.
I found "L's" manuscript extremely interesting, but he ended at the point of the biggest interest. I am very willing to give my permission to have them printed and published in whatever form you wish. I appreciate the fact that "L" felt it was a tribute to Charles, but I only want to do whatever suits "L" himself. It was really his life experience. He has always expressed the desire to remain anonymous with his buddies and that the name of the organization also be kept confidential. "L" wrote and sent your letter and made these same requests for confidentiality again.
As for the final stages of the Southwestern Expeditionary Unit (I had forgotten the name of it!), you probably know as much as I do. We came here to Arkansas and Charles only lived two weeks. Therefore, we only went to Cushman to try to discover the proper cave about three times, I believe. "L" let us know a short time before our move that we had the wrong cave, even though it was Blowing Cave. The first time we went to Blowing Cave a couple years earlier, Charles had commented that something didn't feel right about it. However, we described it and sent pictures to "L" and he confirmed it as being the cave he found. So Charles went ahead and presented it to everyone as the cave "L" had found and explored.
Not long before Charles died, he told "L" about the wetness of the cave when we went in later on. "L" said the cave he went into had been a totally dry cave, so he sent Charles further drawings to try to lead us in the proper directions. Since "L" is very poor at giving directions, it didn't do us any good.
If only "L's" health, vision and family conditions would have allowed him to come and show us, in person. I wish it were still possible for "L" to come visit and show me, even. I don't count on it, though. After Charles died, I quickly lost interest in the whole cave since I could not do it alone, if I did find it. A young man came from Kansas, if I remember correctly, with a couple of friends. I directed them to the correct area, but they ran into a brick wall. They found the same one we did, but no one in the area would admit that another cave even exists around there or by the name of Blowing Cave. I was still not recovered from the shock of Charles' death when they came the two times that they did. That is the last anyone has ever contacted me in any way concerning the cave. I finally went back there once after I felt strong enough to face the memories, about a year later. That is the last time that I have been there, too. It seemed hopeless to me to ever find the right cave or to just wander around looking endlessly. There are many caves in the widespread area, but no one ever mentions anything but the cave we did find. I must admit that I really haven't made much of an effort! I guess, I got into a negative frame of mind and felt it probably was not meant to be when it came to finding that cave. Without Charles, who could find the proper entry and paths, etc. anyway. Charles was the one who had the psychic abilities (to a much greater degree than me) and the highly positive attitude. To come to Arkansas, only to have Charles die when it looked like we might have a real Chance to go into the subworld made me feel that it was fate and wasn't meant to be. I decided that the writing about it, and exposing people to higher levels of thought was the ultimate goal rather than physically attaining it to the subworld. It seemed like it was more or less falling apart anyhow when it came to finding those who had a positive reason for going on the expedition rather than for selfish or material gain. It was very discouraging! We had decided we would go by ourselves, alone, if necessary.
Actually, Charles' health had gone downhill the last two years of his life to some extent and writing was mostly what he could manage to do as he could rest whenever it became necessary. He disliked doing the Shaver topic, as he considered it rehashing old ideas and he much preferred to go on to new things. However, he knew that there were those who knew nothing about it so he wrote about it again. Shaver's old writings were so negative he felt they should be left in the past and he wanted to present fresh positive approaches to life. The really important thing was to present the ideas of other dimensions, other mansions, unknown worlds, etc. People need to have their minds stretched beyond the material world and search and reach for a higher self. All roads lead to the same ultimate Creator, shall we say. Subworlds, UFO, spirits, phenomena etc. are all means to finding the same truth and understanding - there is a lot more to life than the material world of money, success, glory, war, power and controlling the minds of others. He tried to help people in the search for the true inner self and teach them to learn to think for themselves. In a much smaller way, I try to do the same thing.
I do hope that "L" manages to give more detail of his time with the subworld which he and his friends had. I sense that "L" has a strong need to express it in writing. It must be hard for him to suppress it and be secretive about it except to a very few - those who went with him and me and you. His wife and kids know nothing about it as I guess he feels they couldn't accept any of it. That's too bad.
I wish you good luck with your Shavertron endeavor. I do have a lot of Charles' old records, yet, in case any of it may be of use. I threw away a lot of things, too, but I needed more room and what I tossed was not important to me. He must have kept nearly everything for many, many years, so I had to think it out a little. Anyhow, I'll close for now and look forward to your publication.
Lorene Marcoux
As always, any typo's are mine. If you find any that slipped by me, drop a note in the comments.
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